Saturday, March 14, 2009


I may not always be the biggest fan of Rush's, but this is an excellent speech!

Quite A While

Yes, it has been quite a while since I've blogged....or done much of anything. Been going through a rough patch, to say the least. But things are beginning to look up. If I hadn't mentioned, Michael's retirement ceremony was very lovely. And the reception was a lot of fun. Of course, that was back in November and he retired the end of January. He flies to Houston tomorrow for an interview for a very good job, God willing!

My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in November also. The news came days before her hip replacement surgery, that subsequently, she did not have. January, we found out she also had lung cancer. She was scheduled for surgery for this month, but found out end of February it had already met to her liver & hip. Now we just found out it also in her knee. She had 5 days of radiation on her hip and she just had mega chemo on Thursday. But she is doing well so far. She has been keeping her spirits up. She will be coming down in less than 2 weeks and I am anxious to see her.

She went to a wig bank today and they gave her a short hair cut so they could fit her for a wig and gave her a wig. She said it was fun to try them on. This is a WONDERFUL program they have through the ACS. I am grateful! And I know Mom is too!

My boss is so great! I don't have much vacation time left because I already used most of it when I went to Maine in November. I was already booked to help her recoup after hip surgery, but still went when it was canceled due to the cancer. He has already told me he would make sure I could take paid time off to spend time with Mom. He told me from the beginning....God comes first, family comes second and work comes third. If either of the first 2 come knocking, the 3rd one can wait. I'll probably take a couple full days off and work some part days or nights. Actually have 3 bosses, and they all are wonderful. But Paul is the one who hired me. They are so wonderful, that's why I am still there for over 3 years!

Okay, have to run. So many things to do :) God bless!

p.s. I get to talk to Dave Ramsey on Wednsday! I am sooooooooooooo psyched!