Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seeking Help with Retirement

This is my loving & handsome Quarter Master Chief & husband.  He retires from the Navy January 31, 2009 with 24 years of service. I am honored to have been by his side for the past 5 years and wish I could have been through more of it. 

We have been more focused on getting debt free (You really should check out Dave Ramsey) and getting our house fixed that we got a late start on saving for his retirement ceremony and reception.  We are not fancy-smancy  people, but I would like to throw him a ceremony fitting for a wonderful man who has spent 24 years protecting our freedom.

So, I am asking anyone who would be willing to make a donation (even $1 is greatly appreciated) to send it to Tami Romer, 307 N Main St. , Picayune, MS  39466.  Yes, that is my work as I am not going to post my home address on the web.  LOL  If you have an extra thank you or congratulations on retiring card to send it in, I will make a collage of his well-wishes for him.

God Bless!
`~LO was made using Heather Mannings - Some Gave All.

Life with Teenagers

Not to get into details, but why is it you can think of your teenager and be filled with so much pride and feel they can do no wrong ~ then the next you wonder if YOU are going to survive having a teenager!  I tell my Mom all the time, "I'm so sorry for anything I ever did!"  And Continually try to remind my self that someday, when he is a parent himself, he will too understand what it means to be a parent.  Yes, we are strict.  And we do spoil the boys in some ways even if it's not materialistic.  We encourage them, cheer them on and even give them a push when they need.  And one of our biggest fears is that someday, one of the boys will come back to us when they are adults and say "Why didn't you teach me that?" or "Why didn't you warn me, prepare me?"

~The layout is of my Tony and the lyrics of Rascal Flats "My Wish"

I was a single mom for 10 years and things were rough for us at times.  But we were close.  We still are, well, as close as a teenager will let you be.  I think about how quickly the last 15 years have passed and I want to cry to think how quickly the next 4 will fly.  My DH took him as his son from day one.  He stepped up to the bat in every way imaginable, which is more than I had ever dreamed for. 

I'm just in a bit of a funk today.  Have so much to do to get ready for our little one's b-day party this weekend.  Need to order the cake, the supplies I ordered will be in tomorrow, still need to pick up Pinata stuffers and think need to get balloons.  We should have the tree house finished for the most part for the kids to play on.  Along with some kind of sprinkler, the kids will have a blast.  Well,  need to run as I'm working on some other plans as well.