Ok, here's my thing. (You will find I speak very plain, and well, pretty blunt). i have been with my Hubby for a little over 5 years. He will be retiring from the US Navy in Jan. with 24 years of service. So his career had been long before me. He doesn't see it that way, so maybe it's just me. I have been through some of the 'typical' Navy Wife issues, but not in the sense that many military wives have. I will never try to take from them what the long-term wives have gone through, so I honestly feel 'incomplete' as a Navy wife. Ok, let me go back a little bit.
When I met him, he was on sea duty. We both knew when we met that this was different, that 'this' was going somewhere long term. (Which is soooo what I was NOT looking for at this time, but that story is for later). His friends accepted me right away and I just kinda chalked that up to a 'friend' thing. They were (and are) such great people! I miss many of them sooooo much! He was suppose to retire January '05. We had just had a baby, so he was going to extend when his recruiter suggested re-enlisting. So he decided to. We were stationed in New Orleans, but decided to live in Mississippi. But, we do not live in a Navy community. We like where we live, but it's not the same. So it's not until now that I realize what it really was that we have. I miss it! We always had people over to our house, our were invited to our friends. It's just a totally different life.
Okay, I will be back in a minute to explain what I am looking for.