Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter everyone! He IS Risen! We are so fortunate for that!
Yesterday we did our 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the VFW.
Find more photos like this on Picayune VFW Ladies Auxiliary
You can read about it HERE.
Yesterday we did our 7th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the VFW.
Find more photos like this on Picayune VFW Ladies Auxiliary
You can read about it HERE.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Americans Unite
Did you watch GLenn Beck's 9*12 project special! It was great! Please, if you are an American and tired of the path our country is heading, please check out It's not a political party debate or a religious debate, but it is about principals & morals. Please review it, what do you have to lose?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I may not always be the biggest fan of Rush's, but this is an excellent speech!
Rush Limbaugh,
Quite A While
Yes, it has been quite a while since I've blogged....or done much of anything. Been going through a rough patch, to say the least. But things are beginning to look up. If I hadn't mentioned, Michael's retirement ceremony was very lovely. And the reception was a lot of fun. Of course, that was back in November and he retired the end of January. He flies to Houston tomorrow for an interview for a very good job, God willing!
My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in November also. The news came days before her hip replacement surgery, that subsequently, she did not have. January, we found out she also had lung cancer. She was scheduled for surgery for this month, but found out end of February it had already met to her liver & hip. Now we just found out it also in her knee. She had 5 days of radiation on her hip and she just had mega chemo on Thursday. But she is doing well so far. She has been keeping her spirits up. She will be coming down in less than 2 weeks and I am anxious to see her.
She went to a wig bank today and they gave her a short hair cut so they could fit her for a wig and gave her a wig. She said it was fun to try them on. This is a WONDERFUL program they have through the ACS. I am grateful! And I know Mom is too!
My boss is so great! I don't have much vacation time left because I already used most of it when I went to Maine in November. I was already booked to help her recoup after hip surgery, but still went when it was canceled due to the cancer. He has already told me he would make sure I could take paid time off to spend time with Mom. He told me from the beginning....God comes first, family comes second and work comes third. If either of the first 2 come knocking, the 3rd one can wait. I'll probably take a couple full days off and work some part days or nights. Actually have 3 bosses, and they all are wonderful. But Paul is the one who hired me. They are so wonderful, that's why I am still there for over 3 years!
Okay, have to run. So many things to do :) God bless!
p.s. I get to talk to Dave Ramsey on Wednsday! I am sooooooooooooo psyched!
My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in November also. The news came days before her hip replacement surgery, that subsequently, she did not have. January, we found out she also had lung cancer. She was scheduled for surgery for this month, but found out end of February it had already met to her liver & hip. Now we just found out it also in her knee. She had 5 days of radiation on her hip and she just had mega chemo on Thursday. But she is doing well so far. She has been keeping her spirits up. She will be coming down in less than 2 weeks and I am anxious to see her.
She went to a wig bank today and they gave her a short hair cut so they could fit her for a wig and gave her a wig. She said it was fun to try them on. This is a WONDERFUL program they have through the ACS. I am grateful! And I know Mom is too!
My boss is so great! I don't have much vacation time left because I already used most of it when I went to Maine in November. I was already booked to help her recoup after hip surgery, but still went when it was canceled due to the cancer. He has already told me he would make sure I could take paid time off to spend time with Mom. He told me from the beginning....God comes first, family comes second and work comes third. If either of the first 2 come knocking, the 3rd one can wait. I'll probably take a couple full days off and work some part days or nights. Actually have 3 bosses, and they all are wonderful. But Paul is the one who hired me. They are so wonderful, that's why I am still there for over 3 years!
Okay, have to run. So many things to do :) God bless!
p.s. I get to talk to Dave Ramsey on Wednsday! I am sooooooooooooo psyched!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Another Freebie- in the same day?!?!
Is Shannon AWESOME or what???? Two freebies from SILLY BEANS SCRAPS in one day! Woo Hoo! Life doesn't get much better than that! She also has a matching Glitter Sheets for her Rockstar Wedding kit!

I just love Shannon's glitter sheets! She puts in such attention to detail and it looks so real. Notice how the top, right glitter has like 4 or 5 colors mixed together! Looks soooo pretty! And you don't have to worry about spilling it on the floor! :) All you have to do, is visit Silly Beans Scraps Blog!
I know what you're thinking now...are you going to show us the kit? You really want to see it, don't you? Of course you do! You've been sitting there just dreaming about what kind of gorgeous papers she may have made, or the elements, ohhh yes! The elements are terrific. Okay, here you go.... ROCKSTAR WEDDING

Get it now at GDS or GDWI
You can get it for $2.00 off at GDWI because you can use it for the Color Challenge Shannon is hosting this month at GDWI!
I just love Shannon's glitter sheets! She puts in such attention to detail and it looks so real. Notice how the top, right glitter has like 4 or 5 colors mixed together! Looks soooo pretty! And you don't have to worry about spilling it on the floor! :) All you have to do, is visit Silly Beans Scraps Blog!
I know what you're thinking now...are you going to show us the kit? You really want to see it, don't you? Of course you do! You've been sitting there just dreaming about what kind of gorgeous papers she may have made, or the elements, ohhh yes! The elements are terrific. Okay, here you go.... ROCKSTAR WEDDING
Get it now at GDS or GDWI
You can get it for $2.00 off at GDWI because you can use it for the Color Challenge Shannon is hosting this month at GDWI!
New Freebie!!!!
Am a little frustrated this morning. Have been trying for over a half hour to post on DST to share a great freebie availabale for 24 hours only! Luckily, it isn't listed yet, so time hasn't started, LOL. Silly Beans Scraps is offering a fabulous ALPHA to coordinate with her So Saree kit! You can only get it at GDS as the Daily Download! It will be available for 24 hours once it is, if it isn't posted yet - check back a little later!

This is a phenomenal kit. So if you have been looking for something fresh & HAVE to grab this kit!

And look at the goodies she has to go with the kit....

This is a phenomenal kit. So if you have been looking for something fresh & HAVE to grab this kit!
And look at the goodies she has to go with the kit....
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Me Again
Okay, I am doing lousy on taking pictures everyday. But I still want to do the best I can of keeping track of my year. Of course, my creativity is still hiding, so I have yet to try a digi LO yet this year. Time has also been limited. But I have agreed to be Silly Beans Scraps CT Leader (as long as she doesn't expect any LO in the near future, LOL) She has a fantastic kit coming out soon and I can hardly wait! So without further ado, here is your Sneak Peak at So Saree!

One of the qualities I love about Shannon as a designer is she strives for originality. She doesn't just change the colors up on her accesories & repackage them in the same week just to have a lot of new releases.
I ask all my friends to keep my Mom in your prayers. As many of you know, she was diagnosed with lung cancer back in Novemeber during routine pre-op test for her hip replacement surgery (which she did not have). When they biopsied the cancer, they found it is a type that tends to spread. She has had numerous test, that often led to more test - including a breast biopsy for a lump that just 'popped up' one day right before I came home from visiting her in December. We received word on Friday, that it too is cancer. No idea yet if it is the same type of cancer though. Mom is trying to stay in good spirits and even said "You know God has to be involved in it, because it is too screwed up for him not to be". We know it is in his hands and pray daily for us to keep our minds and hearts open to him to understand why this is happening.
Well, I have to run to the store to get some tomatoe paste to put in my chili. Mmmm, this is one of the best batches I have made in a long time! Talk to y'all again soon!
Monday, January 12, 2009
A New Year
Okay, it's 12 days into the new year and it's time I start a fresh year. Things have been crazy and I have felt a bit crazy myself. So much is up in the air right now, but I'm not TOO stressed as I just keep reminding myself to put my life in the hands of God. That's the only way to do it right.
As you know, Michael is suppose to be retiring from the Navy as of the 31st of this month. (BTW, yes, his retirement ceremony & reception went great! More about that later). Last week we found out he has 2, possibly 3, umbilical hernias. I call it his alien baby and already told him I want to get a picture of it before they fix it. We have his surgical consult this afternoon and hopefully surgery will be scheduled within the next day or so. We are both a bit hesitant as we both remember the problems I had last spring when my hysterectomy was botched and I did not have the best of luck in the hospital for the 2 weeks I was in there. It looks like it's the same hospital he'll be in.
Normally & hopefully they will be able to do the surgery with very small incisions, but there is a chance they will have to cut him open too. His hernias are rather large. They are often no larger than about 2 inches, but his is more like 5 inches. Even the doctors were taking pictures of it as they had never seen one so big. That's my baby! LOL
He has had some violent coughing fits and they believe that is what has caused the hernias. This is the time he was suppose to be doing some job hunting, but as I said, it's in God's hands. This may actually delay him from being discharged from the Navy. Might not be a bad thing.
Have you heard of LIFE 365? Well, you take a picture EVERY DAY! This way you remember even the little things. We're only on day 12, so get started now. It's not too late. Then you can blog them, or scrap them. But what a great way to remember your whole year. These are some tips I found on another blog:
Here are six tips on how to create your own Project 365:
- Bring Your Camera Everywhere
Yes, everywhere. Get in the habit. Grocery stores, restaurants, parties, work, and school. Going to a movie theatre? Snap a pic of the flick with your phone–there are photo-ops everywhere. If you have one of those tiny tiny cameras, you have no excuse not to have it in your pocket all the time. And if you don’t? Camera phones are a great substitute. - Make Posting Easy
You can install blog software like Movable Type or Wordpress on your own site and create an entry for each photo, but for true ease of use, try a photo sharing site. Flickr will let you post a week’s worth of photos in 2 minutes flat, and fotolog and are geared toward a photo-a-day workflow. Making it fast and easy means you’re much more likely to do it. - Vary Your Themes
Try to capture the day’s events in a single photo. Perform photographic experiments. Take a photo of someone new you meet, something you ate for the first time, or something you just learned how to do. Take a photo of something that made you smile. And don’t forget to take a photo of yourself at least once a month so you can remember how you’ve changed, too. - Tell a Story
Use your blog entry, or your photo description, to explain what’s going on in each day’s photograph. How good did that dinner taste? What made you want to take a photo of that stranger? It’ll help you remember down the road, and it gives friends following along a better appreciation of why you took the photo you did. You don’t need to write a lot, just enough to add some color. - Don’t Stop, No Matter What
This is perhaps the most important tip of all. You will get tired of taking a photo every single day. Some days, you will consider giving up. Don’t. The end result is worth the effort. Remind yourself why you wanted to do it in first place.There will be times you’ll think there’s nothing interesting left to take a photo of, and times you’ll think you didn’t do anything exciting enough to take a photo of. There’s always a great photo to be made.
Get out of the house and take a walk. Or stay inside and look around. Take a photo of something important to you. Take a photo of the inside of your house so you can see how your taste has changed over the years. Take a photo of anything, just don’t stop.
N.b. It helps if you’ve told your friends about the project and asked them to follow along. Their encouragement will keep you going!
- Post early, post often
Plan on going through and posting your photos at least once a week so you don’t get backlogged and feel overwhelmed. Ideally, post every day or two. Again, spend the time up front to make sure it’s quick and easy to post. It’ll make all the difference.
I really think I want to give this a shot. You can do it by day, or even by week or month. I would suggest daily or weekly so it doesn't get overwhelming. Make the uneventful days count too. Will help you remember all the blessing God gives us that we at times take for granted.
I really need to get back on track with my digi scrapping. Lack of creativity, fear of PS CS3 and lack of time are tending to get in the way. But my dear cyber-friend Shannon (I got to meet her and her family right before Christmas!) of SillyBeanScraps has asked me to be her CT Leader. What an honor! I surely do not want to let her down. Well, I need to get to work, so more later!
Digi Scrapping,
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