Friday, August 29, 2008


Today is the 3 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We had moved here 2 months prior and were hit hard. But we at least at a home to fix, so we considered ourselves VERY greatful. We received the call from the Navy today - mandatory evacuation at 8 am. We'll be lucky to be out of here by noon. We have a room reserved in Nashville, closest we could get to Millington. We like to be optimistic - so it will be a mini-vacation! Must get back to packing!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great News!

I'm so excited, I just had to share... I got an email today offering me a permanent spot on Duchess Design's CT!!!  Woot!  I was getting sad as I was coming to the end of my guest spot for August, so I was thrilled to accept the position!  Now I'll get to wear a crown on my picture!  :)  Just truly a great group of gals to associate with and Maria is a great designer!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Oh yea, we may have a hurricane on the way.  Personally, I feel it's hard to guess where it's going until it gets North of Cuba.  Then you'll know if it will cross land or stay on water.  They must feel this one can be bad, because I am already seeing sandbags in front of a lot of local businesses. Tomorrow Michael will pick up the last 2 sheets of plywood we need and top off a couple more of our gas cans (from Katrina - think I bought 11 of them & brought back from Texas).  

Michael could be mandated to evacuate from the Navy.  If so, we have to go to Millington, TN.  Though, we were discussing maybe going to Jackson at first to see what happens.  Then either, we won't have as far to drive to come home or we can continue to TN.

I bet folks in FL are getting nervous.  There wasn't an inch of FL not effected by T.S. Fay.  Hope they don't get hit by Gustav too.

Newest Layouts!

Yes, getting my challenges at Digital Candy done up. Did you know that you earn points from posting & challenges that will earn you FREE gift certificates!!!! How cool is that?

Okay 1st LO are my boys at the airport when oldest got home from Europe. This was for the journaling challenge and I had to recreate the template by Jill & Jack scraps that I like -- it got flattened. The kit is Rockin Robin by Duchess Designs (hint-hint - my new presents :) )

2nd LO was Tony a few years back trying to be a wild child.  this was for the Sweet Elements challenge.  Glitter (except the flourish)  is by Trish H, flowers are from Vintage Flair by Dreamscape Designs and the rest is from Rockin Robin by Duchess Designs (don't you love here glittery swirlies?)

3rd LO is from the night we played with Jonathan's Cars dominoes and was for the Scraplift challenge (off of gonewiththewind - Angel Girl).  I do love how this LO turned out!  Paper , elements & alpha from AWP - The Great Outdoors & Hazy Days. Photo key chain from foxydesigns.

4th LO is from the Candy Jar challenge.  Kit is from Trish H.  

I have to admit, I honestly have a hard time keeping up with who made what & what pieces I use.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Have you noticed Duchess Designs Regal Sweet Bag #3 she has on Digital Candy? I just got it today and OMG, can't believe what she had in it. Grab it now for $3, because she will be revealing it on Sept. 1st and you will still want all the items, but spend a lot more. There are 5 great items in the bag....for $3! Sorry, don't mean to get carried away, I just LOVE a great bargain and this goes beyond that! I'm dying to show you something from it, but guess I'll have to wait. Really looking forward to working with all of it tonight and then I'll show you some LO's.